Healthcare Expertise

The healthcare sector comes across unheard-of difficulties. The challenges include poor supply chains, low-profit margins, and soaring R&D costs. Compliance requisite is a significant concern too. The solution helps harness the power of cutting-edge digital technology to automate healthcare. With technology, one can optimize operations, enable data-driven decisions, and expand innovation. Also, assuring the lowest possible risks, redundancies, and costs.


It is where TTF Company comes to your rescue. In today’s world of rapid change, TTF excels at offering IT Healthcare Solutions. We bring tech-enabled solutions that empower stakeholders across the ecosystem. We also deliver individualized, effective technology at the speed of change.

Electronic Health Records {EHR}

An EHR System Is a Digital Version of a Patient’s Medical History, Including:
Developing an Electronic Health Record System requires a team of experienced developers. With healthcare professionals, we ensure the system is secure. Also, we maintain compliance with privacy and industry standard regulations.
At TTF, we simplify the complex process. Our comprehensive EHR System is well-defined with scope, technical requirements, and testing. Our interactive user interface is a bonus. We also cater to monitoring your systems after deployment. It ensures your software is well-managed and complies with regulations, at all hours.
Electronic Health Records | techtalentforce
Mobile Health Apps | techtalentforce

Mobile Health Apps

For hospitals and medical entities, Mobile Health Apps are a contemporary need. You can offer improved accessibility, and a personalized health management system. But these apps must have unique features that set them apart from other apps.
At TTF, we provide exclusive applications with distinctive features. We cater with advanced technical ability, with engaging app designs. Our applications are fast and responsive, with Healthcare Analytics embedded in the application. It can integrate with Patient Monitoring Software and Personal Health Records (PHR). Further, Patient Engagement Software and Medical Scheduling Ability provide an enhanced personalized experience.

Health Information Exchange (HIE)

Health Information Exchange (HIE) allows different healthcare professionals to share patient health information.
Our HIE system enables healthcare professionals to share patient health information. Regardless of where the patient is receiving care. Professionals can access and exchange important patient data using our HIE system. Such as medical records, lab results, and other clinical information. This can help improve patient care, reduce errors, and improve health outcomes.
Health Information Exchange | techtalentforce
Clinical Decision Support Systems | techtalentforce

Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)

Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) are computer-based programs. It helps healthcare professionals make better decisions about patient care. In today’s world, CDSS is important to deal with large amounts of complex medical data. With CDSS, professionals can access relevant patient information.
We at TTF offer healthcare professionals Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS). For helping them make better decisions about patient care. Our CDSS software is capable of providing real-time guidance and alerts. Based on best practices and evidence-based guidelines. And can help healthcare professionals improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

Medical Billing Software

Medical Billing Software is helpful as it simplifies and automates the process. The tedious task of submitting and tracking insurance claims and payments is convenient.
Our Billing Software Can:
Medical Billing Software | techtalentforce

Healthcare CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software

Our Customer Relationship Management software helps manage and analyze patient interactions and relationships. It enables providers to collect and track patient data. Also, track data, send notifications, and timely update the records.
Healthcare Data Management
Healthcare Data Management is an essential service offered by TTF. It is a must to help healthcare providers manage and maintain their patient data. Our Data Management Service includes collecting, storing, organising, and analysing healthcare data. This is to ensure its accuracy, accessibility, and security.
Our teams use the latest advanced techniques and tools. It enables improved data management with industry standards and regulations. With this, providers can focus on delivering quality patient care. Meanwhile, we will take care of your data management needs.
Medical Imaging Software
Imaging software helps healthcare providers to capture and analyze medical images. It is useful in X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans. This software can enhance the accuracy of diagnoses and improve patient outcomes.
TTF provides Medical Imaging Software to healthcare professionals. Our Medical Imaging Software delivers high-quality images and advanced analysis tools. It allows providers to make more accurate diagnoses and treatment plans.

Benefits Of Healthcare Technology With TTF

Healthcare Mobile Application Development Process

We adopt an agile working methodology compliant with HIPAA guidelines to facilitate the smooth development of your medical apps and render top-notch mobile app development services.
Requirements Gathering & Planning

The first step in our software development process is to understand the requirements of the healthcare software. We gather the needs and expectations and define further steps, including project goals, creating a project plan, estimating resources, and identifying potential risks.


The design phase involves creating the software architecture, designing user interfaces, and creating functional specifications. It also includes creating wireframes and prototypes to help you visualize the final product.

Development & Testing

It involves writing code to implement the design, and debugging to ensure the software functions as intended. We conduct rigorous functional testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing, ensuring the app is apt for users.


After the software has been tested and validated, it is deployed to production. It involves installing the software on servers, configuring the software, and training end-users on how to use it.


With the deployment, starts the maintenance phase. It involves fixing bugs, adding new features, and ensuring the software remains up-to-date with changing healthcare regulations and requirements.

Core Features of Healthcare Applications

We adopt an agile working methodology compliant with HIPAA guidelines to facilitate the smooth development of your medical apps and render top-notch mobile app development services.

Doctor Profile Look Up

With healthcare mobile applications, patients can look up doctor profiles and choose the best doctor of the lot. They can get a better understanding of the doctor they are going to connect with.

Real-time Patient Monitoring

Healthcare application development has revolutionized the way doctors get feedback from patients. With actionable devices like IoT wearables, healthcare providers can now monitor patients’ real-time health.

Live Video Consultation

Patients who are unable to physically make it to hospitals can now do live video consultations with doctors via video-conferencing platforms. This effectively enhances the efficiency of a healthcare organization.

Specific symptom checking

For patients diagnosed with cancer and other diseases that tend to grow or reduce over time, a symptom-checker can tell doctors the exact condition of the patient at any given moment.

Boosts patient moods

A mental mobile health app can rejuvenate patient moods with timely meditation suggestions and mindfulness exercises. Healthcare professionals will see the occurrence of positive moods in patients using the app.

Digital prescriptions

Doctors can write digital prescriptions for patients concerning medicine dosage, frequency, and other relevant details easily with the help of a robust mobile health app. Patients don’t have to now be bothered about precision intake.


Some common challenges include resistance to change, interoperability issues between different systems, data security concerns, and the need for training and support during the transition.
EHR systems can improve patient safety by reducing medical errors through accurate and accessible patient information, medication reconciliation, and alerts for potential drug interactions or allergies.
Emerging trends include the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms for personalized health recommendations, wearable device integration, and the use of telemedicine for remote consultations.
HIE systems can enable healthcare professionals to access comprehensive patient records from various providers, improving care coordination, reducing duplicate tests, and enhancing decision-making.
Medical billing software streamlines the billing process, automates claim submissions, reduces errors, and provides real-time tracking of payments, resulting in improved cash flow and revenue management.
Healthcare CRM software helps healthcare organizations manage patient interactions, track data, send notifications, and update records, leading to improved patient engagement, personalized care, and efficient communication.
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