
Your decision about choosing the technology stack can significantly impact the success of your project. With plenty of options available, it is vital to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each stack. It helps you decide which one is a better option for you.
Two of the most popular full-stack JavaScript frameworks are MEAN and MERN stacks. Both offer tools to build dynamic and scalable web applications. In this comparison article, we will understand the difference between them. Plus, we will also discuss how they work and what are their pros and cons.

What is MEAN stack?

The MEAN stack is a JavaScript-based framework used to build scalable web apps. It has four major elements – MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. All of these parts use the same programming language, JavaScript.
What are the components of the MEAN stack development?

How does MEAN stack work?

MEAN stack integrates the above four components and builds full-stack web applications. Let us see how it works:

MEAN stack - Pros and cons



When to use MEAN stack ?

MEAN is best for:

What is MERN stack?

MERN is very similar to MEAN, but it uses React instead of Angular to create the part people see.
Components of MERN stack development

How does the MERN stack work?

Pros and cons MERN Stack



When to use MEAN stack ?

MERN is great for:
MEAN Stack
MERN Stack
Server-side framework
Client-side framework
Runtime environment
Data interchange format
Architectural pattern
Model-View-Controller (MVC)
Higher learning curve
Generally lower learning curve
Project scope
Large-scale enterprise applications
Broad range of applications, including smaller projects
Community support
Strong and established
Extensive and active
Solid performance
Often optimized for performance
More structured approach
Greater flexibility and adaptability
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Requires server-side rendering (SSR)
Requires server-side rendering (SSR) for optimal results
State Management
Built-in state management solutions (NgRx)
Typically requires external libraries (Redux, Context API)


In conclusion, MEAN and MERN both offer certain advantages. The MEAN stack offers a robust framework with Angular, making it suitable for complex, large-scale applications, while the MERN stack’s use of React provides flexibility and is ideal for dynamic user interfaces. However, to choose between these two, it is required to consider your specific project requirements and team expertise. This way, you can choose a suitable stack as per your preferences.
Both are full-stack developers, but the difference lies in their expertise. MEAN stack developers specialize in Angular and MERN stack developers are experts in React.
MEAN is a suitable option for you if you want to build large-scale enterprise applications. On the other hand, MERN is widely used for building dynamic user interfaces.
MERN is a complete full-stack development stack and it offers the required tools to build web apps from databases to the user interface.
MEAN stack is used for developing a diverse type of web apps like social media platforms, e-commerce websites, real-time applications, and enterprise-level software.
The MEAN stack uses angular in the front-end structure while the MERN stack uses React JS for the user interface.